What do you want to achieve?
Trying to make a Jump animation using Moon Animator.
What is the issue?
I am not sure how long it should be or where to start. Should I make the guy jumping, him in the air, and landing? Or just in the air?
What solutions have you tried so far?
Couldn’t find a video
I don’t put effort in jump animations much since the fall animation is going to cut it off anyways sooo, I think im a bad example but I have an example in one of my projects, but since im on mobile at this point, I cant upload a video about it to show you. So I tried making the jump animation not cut off while the player falls, after the animation finishes, the player then plays the fall animation. But for how much frames is needed for a jump is the question, my answer is, it depends on how long is lasts until the fall animation cuts it off. I hope this explain enough of what the question is.