How many hours does it take to earn 1 robux from premium payouts?

Alright, I know that premium payouts are earned by the amount of total playing time from premium users, and I was wondering how many total premium hours would be needed to earn a single Robux?

  1. Is there a Roblox chart that is provided from the company that tells us the rate
  2. Does anyone have an estimate of how many total hours from premium players that would earn you a single Robux?

It’s not based on hours it’s based on the percentage of time they spent on your game. So if they played your game 70% of the and another game 30% of the time, you’ll get 70% of the payouts while the other game gets 30%.


You could probably get 20 Robux at most from someone playing for a single hour however you probably will receive 3 to 10 Robux usually.

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So how much robux is 100%?
So if I spent all day in a single game with premium payouts, I would 100%?


You would get ATLEAST 72 robux if 1 player spends 24h in your game.