How many invisible parts is too much for performance to handle?

I’ve been building on a map for the past couple of days using the blender landscape generator, and due to the ridiculous convex collision, it’s currently impossible to get a decent collision. I’m using a plugin that turns every triangle within the mesh into a wedge. I make the wedges transparent and use them for collision underneath the actual terrain mesh.

My question is,
is over 100k wedges too much for collision purposes? Will it affect performance tremendously?



Generally having over 100k+ parts will impact performance tremendously, especially if you’re eventually going to turn it into a full-fledged game. I currently work for a game called Emita City on roblox, which used to have about 80,000 parts/wedges which eventually created an enormous amount of lag, with the scripts also having memory leaks. I worked with another builder as we remade the map to reduce part-count to about 45,000 parts, and immediately we saw an opening with much less lag. I wouldn’t recommend passing 100,000 parts in general, or going over 8-10 million voxels for terrain.

If this is only going to be a showcase, then you should be okay as long as you have streaming-enabled. I know your pain with collision boxes going to dust, and it’s extremely frustrating.