How many (mesh)parts is "too much"?

Long story short I’m making a build and I’ve already surpassed 400,000 meshparts. My client handles this fine in Roblox servers, but I’m expecting to have used well over a million by the time I complete this build. I’ve got StreamingEnabled on and I’m using StreamingMesh property for most of the models - stuff kinda looks funky from a distance but I’ve solved this by using a DepthOfField effect. Note that ~85% of the meshparts are the same MeshId, and the majority will not have Textures applied to them except for built-in Materials (primarily Slate).

My questions are: will it get worse once I approach the six digit mark? Are there already examples of games that use a million(s) meshparts? Can console systems handle these kinds of games? Is there anything else I should know? Thanks.


My current experience is that the client can easily handle hundreds of thousands of anchored meshparts. At least, as long as there’s no physics involved & there’s not too many colliding objects in a small space

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roblox will handle lots of the same parts or meshparts just fine if it was copied and pasted, but I’d suggest you start combining those parts in blender, like a million parts? In my advanced builds I don’t even exceed 300k

also whats causing you to go up to a million parts?

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2500x2044 map with a ton of bricks. Would there be any real benefit to combining it in blender? I guess I’m wondering which is more expensive: a lot of a single bricks (low triangles per meshpart, many meshparts) versus a few meshparts containing a lot of bricks (high triangle count per meshpart, but fewer meshparts)

yes combining all these parts in blender you could do way more with it, first off it looks really repetitive, in blender you could at least randomize it a bit to look more unique etc, theres no need to copy and paste these parts 1 million times when you can just make a wall filled with bricks and copy and paste that wall, which will be way easier in the long run trust me


As Sealbutterscotch said, you’re much better off turning those walls into wall segments and other modular pieces than endless rows of bricks.

This is an industry standard method for a reason. This way you’ll be able to fully texture them too with little performance issues if that’s ever desired down the line. Read up on modular asset workflows if you want more info :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll also note that you’re smart to use StreamingEnabled in this case. Make it do the heavy lifting! :grin:


i say its too much when the player can not get into the game because it is so laggy.