One thing Ive seen is that updating data at the same time with updateAsync. What I am doing I need to save all the players data in the server at the same time, so I am wondering how many time can I use updateAsync at a time?
If it takes a while ill have to go back to setAsync
Question mark on UpdateAsnyc for Get as it does Get data and Well not including in the docs Table, It does mention it takes from both read and write limit here… Wether that means Only the Read and Write, or also the Get Request included in that, idk
Request Type
25 MB per minute
4 MB per minute
You Should be handling Errors, and Yielding a tad after each requests. Also make sure the Queue doesn’t fill up.
So if a game had 15 players in it that means you can have 750 requests per minute? Is that what its saying? Im not the smartest but thats what it seems like
Often it’s when you call it a bunch in a short amount of time, or your near the limits. You’ll get warnings and errors when you fill up the queue. It’s why I like to Yield a tad after each request if possible.
I wouldn’t think so as long as you add a little Yield after the request. Like task.wait(0.5) or something. Just check your output for any warnings or errors about the Queue filling up etc. and if so, figure out a way to make sure your requests aren’t filling the queue
You can look for any warnings or Errors about it in the Live error reporting in the Creator Dashboard. For testing make sure they don’t pop out in the output. If players report data loss or you see these errors / warnings about it in the Live Error reporting, then you’ll know it’s an issue