local tixBarGui = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("TixBarGui")
local tixBarBackground = tixBarGui.TixBarBackground
local collectedTix = tixBarBackground.CollectedTix
local valuesFolder = workspace.ValuesFolder
local collectedTixValue = valuesFolder.CollectedTixValue
local tixBar = tixBarBackground.TixBar
local completionBarValue = valuesFolder.CompletionBarValue
local playFindTixSFXEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("FindTixSFXEvent")
local expressingEmoji1 = tixBarBackground.ExpressingEmoji1
local expressingEmoji2 = tixBarBackground.ExpressingEmoji2
local expressingEmojisValue = valuesFolder.ExpressingEmojisValue
local function checkCurrentEmoji()
if collectedTixValue.Value < 10 then
expressingEmojisValue.Value = "10"
expressingEmoji1.Text = expressingEmojisValue.Value
expressingEmoji2.Text = expressingEmojisValue.Value
elseif collectedTixValue.Value >= 10 and collectedTixValue.Value < 20 then
expressingEmojisValue.Value = "20"
expressingEmoji1.Text =expressingEmojisValue.Value
expressingEmoji2.Text = expressingEmojisValue.Value
elseif collectedTixValue.Value >= 20 and collectedTixValue.Value < 30 then
expressingEmojisValue.Value = "30"
expressingEmoji1.Text = expressingEmojisValue.Value
expressingEmoji2.Text = expressingEmojisValue.Value
elseif collectedTixValue.Value >= 30 and collectedTixValue.Value < 40 then
expressingEmojisValue.Value = "40"
expressingEmoji1.Text = expressingEmojisValue.Value
expressingEmoji2.Text = expressingEmojisValue.Value
collectedTix.Text = collectedTixValue.Value.."/100"
for _, Tixes in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if Tixes:IsA("Part") and Tixes.Name == "Tix" then
for _, ClickDetectors in pairs(Tixes:GetChildren()) do
if ClickDetectors:IsA("ClickDetector") and ClickDetectors.Name == "ClickDetector" then
local expressingEmoji1 = tixBarBackground.ExpressingEmoji1
local expressingEmoji2 = tixBarBackground.ExpressingEmoji2
local expressingEmojisValue = valuesFolder.ExpressingEmojisValue
collectedTixValue.Value += 1
collectedTix.Text = collectedTixValue.Value.."/100"
completionBarValue.Value += 0.01
Tixes.CanCollide = false
Tixes.Transparency = 1
ClickDetectors.MaxActivationDistance = 0
for i, TixesChildren in pairs(Tixes:GetChildren()) do
if TixesChildren:IsA("ParticleEmitter") and TixesChildren.Name == "TixVFX" then
TixesChildren.Transparency =
elseif TixesChildren:IsA("Decal") and TixesChildren.Name == "TixDecal" then
TixesChildren.Transparency = 1
Well first of all, I am going to assume this is a server script.
I recommend that all UI updates/interactions that you do from now on are all done on the client. You donât want to put stress on the server right? Just utilize remotes to update the UI.
All the variables are inside of the playeradded method. Considering that some of these variables are constants (things that do not change), it is unoptimized to keep updating the variable whenever the player joins.
The checkCurrentEmoji function can be condensed. For example,
is repeated multiple times. Perhaps you can put this in another function for clarity.
In the for loop you check all descendants of workspace. Now that is something you should never do. Letâs say you have 20000 objects in workspace, you might actually break the server if you run this script. Instead, just put the Tix in a folder in workspace and loop through that.
Also, using pairs and ipairs is useless because Roblox does it for you now, so you can just remove them.
You do not have to use a for loop for the contents of Tix. Just do Tix.ClickDetector or Tix.ParticleEmitter. If you want to ensure that it is a certain object, do something like this:
if not Tix.ClickDetector:IsA(âClickDetectorâ) then return end â exits the code if not true.
I can ensure you that if you follow all these steps, your code will be so much better. Let me know if you have trouble doing any of these, I might be on to help.
But this will make it exploitable, and when theyâre exploited, exploiters can modify it and give themselves free progress (like setting collectedTixValue to 100, which will give them a free rebirth and 100 Tixes on the leaderstats, which is ridiculous.
So I made the code work on the Server instead.
And whatâs the difference between writing the code on a Script and using FireServer() to make the code run on the server? Arenât both the same?
Not sure what you mean by âvariables that do not changeâ.
Should I write the variables outside of PlayerAdded?
Will do that
I already have a TixesFolder in the workspace, but I thought thereâs no difference between looping through the folder and looping through workspace.Descendants.
I may also use CollectionService to implement this, instead of re-writing these if statements in every script.
Got it
I tried doing Tixes.ClickDetector, but ClickDetector didnât show up. That means it doesnât work (I think)
So I had to loop through Tixesâ children to control its children.
cghhghghcghcghghgghghc What? I think there is a method where you can store the locals in a modulescript. However if you want to keep it in the script then you could space them out. It would make it easier to read as a personal opinion.
Exploiters will not be an issue if you handle all the logic on the server and send requests to the client with UI updates. If your logic for the game is on the client, that will be a major issue.
Values that do not change (constants) are things like the valuesFolder.
The location nor the name of the valuesFolder will ever change. There is just not point to put it inside of the playeradded event.
workspace:GetDescendants() loops through the entirety of workspace, which could potentially be massive. If you are doing this a lot, the server will have some issues.
Tix.ClickDetector was just an example. I am unsure if your ClickDetector is actually named ClickDetector. Change it to whatever it is actually named.