Ok, I just want to know m, how long did you guys spent to learn coding and what ways did you use to learn coding? Some people told me that coding is easy, they only spent 1 month on that to create their own game. Some told me it’s hard, they told me that they spent 1 year on that and still can’t do anything. So I am just here to ask how long did you spend to learn coding in order to create your game and through what ways?
I spent about a year+ to get intermediate-advanced. How long you actually need to be a good scripter depends on how you learn, if you already have some experience in other programming languages and other factors.
Depends. I’ve been coding for 4+ years now, but I’m yet to learn a whole lot more. There’s still so much I don’t know yet but I can do most of the stuff without any issues. I can now get to making an idea into an actual project within 2 hours now
I spent around -1200 dollars. Yes. Negative twelve hundred (one thousand two hundred) dollars. How negative? I earned a lot of money from coding so it cancelled out the already 0 dollars spent on learning it.
I spent about 3 or more years before I finally felt comfortable with generally programming (in Luau atleast), that is, writing code without having to be looking things up every 10 seconds. I still have barely any idea how to use datastores so of course I’m not a professional.
1200 ON WHAT???
No way you can actually pay 1200 for learning how to code, but probably learning computer science in uni is more expensive.
No as in I MADE 1200. Not spent 1200. Commissions are crazy good but that’s the total price after 3 years of commissions…
Ooohhhhhh, whoops, didn’t realise lol
I think this sums it up:
local stuffIKnow = 0
local speedDoingStuffIKnow = 1
local unknown = math.huge
local Alive = true
local function Learn()
stuffIKnow += 1
speedDoingStuffIKnow *= 1.01
unknown -= 1
print("I can code", stuffIKnow, "things")
warn("Still to learn...", unknown)
while Alive do
i spent enough time to learn the basics and the advanced parts of the language
Hello RandomDEVGame,
Of course, a considerable amount of time and practice is required to get really, deeply familiar to Roblox Studio as you can see with the Arid’s exemple above.
But frankly you don’t need to reinvent the wheel to begin, Roblox Studio is very beginner friendly (for exemple you don’t need to recreate an avatar system (unless you aim for something more advanced), roblox already provides it ). And so, you can directly and simply focus on making items that players will use within your experience.
Click to open my answer to your question of how
So to answer your question : how long did you spend to learn coding in order to create your game and through what ways ?
I would say that at the very beginning, i was exploring the possibility offered by the engine, i was like : “Oh, how could I create a Captain America shield for my character to use it ? How can i make my character float in the air ?” So I tried and searched. And so i discovered there were Body Movers, I discovered the differences between Scripts and LocalScripts etc… fundamental concepts. So it firstly made me a bit more familiar with the engine. Then i started thinking about making a game, i made different pieces of games, almost always unfinished in fact. I was mostly making kind of general games, I mean free-perspective RPG games, which had the advantages that I was learning tons of things in many differents areas (I was learning to take advantage of the Physic Engine, I was learning UI design and discovering the many objects that were used for, I was improving my mastering of the lua language of course, I learned how to bind Client and Server behavior, eg. through RemoteEvent). A milestone may be my game Wizard World, a game in which I put a lot of effort at the time, with a friend. It made me realise the need for a game to be optimised, to run more smoothly.
Since, I have still improved a lot. And as I was still improving, I started to aim for always more advanced games, where sometimes the default solutions offered by Roblox are not sufficient (eg. default avatar system, the terrain that is not optimised enough for specific cases etc…).
So in fact my development objectives evolved as I was improving, I was firstly aiming for a few items my character could hold, then ordinary games in the form but original in the content. And finally I am now more emphasizing on an originality both in terms of form and content.
Anyways a plethora of things awaits you, and I hope you had fun reading the story above, but quite frankly you can forget what you have just read .
Just imagine what you would like to do (idk, casting magic spells ? throwing fireballs ? riding a crocodile ? exploring a wild world with your friends ? going into a shop to buy fireworks ?), open Roblox Studio, try to make it, if you wonder how to make something you can:
- (especially if you are not that much familiar with the Roblox Studio) check out tutorials on a similar topic, on Youtube
- check out the different Instances available in Roblox Studio, some may look like they can fill your need, then go onto the Internet, or on the Roblox Creator Hub for documentation. (This is the point that has been and that is the most usefull to me)
- Roblox now also proposes tutorials, they may be interesting for a beginner (at my time they were not existing) https://create.roblox.com/docs/get-started
I would say, you don’t firstly learn, to then make a game (your last question may let think it). You decide to make a game, and so you try to make it, even if you don’t know how, you learn how by trying, failing or having no idea, searching onto the Internet how you could find a solution, and you continue. So it’s not a matter of time, because you didn’t wait a year before being able to make what you wanted to make, you started making what you wanted since the very first day of coding.
Getting to a sweet spot depends. But I’d say it would take you at least a year as a complete beginner, specific to Roblox, as long as you have decent logical thinking skills.
But to get really good at it, and write professional grade code on here, that would take quite a bit of time and require learning skills other than just coding, which can really depend on your existing computer science knowledge.
Depends on a lot of factors, such as whether you know other programming languages and if you are talented in coding.
In my opinion, the fastest way to learn coding is by modifying open-source code, but everyone has different ways of learning.
half a year to script the majority of the things i want, aka get on the advanced level.
I’ve been learning on and off for about 2 years, it’s been a lot of tutorials, trying (and failing), and the help of a friend
There’s no one way to learn coding and it doesn’t take a certain amount of time, everyone’s experience is different
I’ve been learning programming for maybe five years now. On and off of course and I’ve dabbled in a bunch of different languages and Ive bought a bunch of different courses. Lua is definitely the language I know best, I would say I’ve been programming in Lua for 2 years.
You can totally just learn on youtube and you can also learn from a course. The nice thing about a course is it has more in depth knowledge thats collected in one place with a nice bow on it. You’ll learn the basics and some intermediate stuff very well with a course. On youtube or just on the internet in general, it is harder to learn due to a lack of good teachers. Lots of the tutorials on youtube are garbage but luckily the beginner stuff is much easier to learn than the advanced stuff.
If you get a mix of both you’ll have a great handle on it. But there arent really a whole lot of courses for roblox scripting out there.
Some good youtubers are alvin blox, script_ing, and SmartyRBX.