How much do Attributes Reduce Memory usage, if at all?

So Currently, I have a bunch of Items with thousands of values in each of them, they have a Settings folder containing the values, and I want to Reduce the Amount of Memory being used in the game by removing all the Instances and replacing them with Attributes, but right now im wondering if this simple change would actually reduce the amount of Memory being used on the game?

Lets say I had 100 buttons in a Tycoon Game, each button contains a Settings Folder, with an average of 4 Values, If I were to change this system to Attributes, how much Memory would this reduce? Would this give any benefit?

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Attributes use less memory compared to the classic IntValue, Vector , ect . I don’t think we know how much memory it save . But attribute is way faster and takes less memory which is useful for large scale project that use a lot of classic value object

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Ok, so I did a couple of tests, and after changing the system to function on Attributes, it appears to have removed a whole gigabyte of Memory usage going from 5GB to 4GB, Thanks!


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