How much, if at all, should I spend on Advertisements?

Time of day is not exactly irrelevant, there are specific times that have the most people playing. I suggest focusing more on the day For example weekends/weekdays. Both have benefits. More people play on weekends while more people advertise/sponsor so competition will be higher. On weekdays less people play yet less people advertise/sponsor so competition is lower. It’s really up to you, your game, and your preferences.


However much you spent, it clearly worked, 190 million visits is alot. Congrats on the success!


I was surprised when i saw “BEAR (ALPHA)” lol Congrats!


Your game almost got 200M+ visits which is milestone and is still in Alpha! Can you tell us your advertisement strategy?


Would you like to bid 50 ?
Estimated Impressions! : 5180

So does it mean if I pay 50 robux to advertise what are the numbers of 5180? is that also the amount I have to pay?.

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Estimated impressions is an estimated amount of times, your ad will show up.


Wow, your game really made it far! Super happy for you! keep up the good work!

Dang I was late to the party lol.