How much is this Airport Worth?

I have been building an airport to sell, and I didn’t want to put a price on what I think it’s worth. Here are a few pictures

Some feedback would also be nice :grin:. Some of the rooms are empty, I ran out of ideas for them. There are also some lighting bugs that I have fixed. How much is this worth? (The airport does have a few free models, but they are edited. You also get the whole map, not just buildings.)


It looks great, but I don’t think you’ll find a buyer very easily considering many studios don’t buy pre-assembled maps:

I think this would be a great portfolio piece if you filled up some of the empty areas though! Some ideas could be restaurants, business lounges, cafes, and other rest areas you typically see in airports in addition to just the seating areas at gates.


I’m really no expert in pricing, but i think this should cost about 100 Robux since the airport is empty, unrealistic and not that detailed. The trees inside are also different from the ones outside, which could suggest this was also made using free models.

EDIT: it could still be obviously more expensive than 100 robux. as i said, i’m no expert in pricing


Before you try to sell, I would try to fill in the interiors, as they look empty. Also, instead of setting your own price, I would talk to several people looking to buy an airport and get an estimate of how much they would be willing to pay


You could definitely fill up some of the empty space before selling. A suggestion I have other than that is maybe create lines on the taxiway so if rp happens it would be realistic. Suggestions for filling the interior include: Cafes/Restaurants, Security Office, more sitting places in front of the airstairs’ gates. Other than all that this would look great in your portfolio and I hope someone buys it!


You mentioned realism yet in airports the trees outside are almost never the same as the inside.

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You should try to fill in the interiors because its really empty. Also, it looks like you copy and pasted a HUGE amount of times. So, I would guess that you should sell this between 1k and 2k robux.


I didn’t do any copying and pasting. If you mean the trees, I have a plug which plants them. I copy and pasted the roof, but is that bad?

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Can you explain the seats that look awfully similar(sorry if I sound rude)

Yeah, they are copied, is that bad? I wanted to have lots of seats and copying saved time.

It’s not bad, hat’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that duplicating things lower the price.

Completely disagree with @Cubic_Ralsei although the airport looks empty, it shouldn’t be this low in pricing. Before asking for an official price, I’d recommend completely finishing the airport and adding a lot more interior design and decoration. Another thing is the runway, you should expand the map size and add a few more runways as having only one doesn’t look that realistic. Other than that I like it, following these steps will increase the price by a lot since pricing is a lot about the detail and design put into the map. Good luck!


Me and bulgee were hired to make the airport we wanted some feedback and help to improve it before we gave it to them.

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The details are nice but some parts of it just feel empty, i’d say 100-200R$

Looks pretty solid, however, the price would depend on the buyer themselves.

There are some things I’d add or change, some areas look particularly empty and I’d advise you to add quality decorations that would fill up the atmosphere and remove the empty feeling. This could also be proposed to the outside which could use some trees, rocks, buildings, etc. I have to say that your models are smooth and nice, however the rock and grass in the lounge area could use a possible remodel.

Other than that, it looks better than most airports I’d seen, I’d see an average buyer buying this for around 750-1250 RBX at the moment.

Looks great! Maybe around 900-2k? But make sure to get it more furnished!

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