How much is this futuristic map worth?

Hello there i have currently finished this lobby project but i do not know how much i should set the price for in Asset Marketplace:
These are the images:

I have put the price for 650 to 800 robux so far i just hope i can get a decent price for it as this is my first time building something for someone.

Thank you for reading! Hope you have a great day! :smiley:


Very nice build, but could definitely be improved.

I’d say about 300-500

It’s a good build for a game. I do think it could be very much expanded on. 300-500 would be a good range. Maybe 600 even but I don’t really think absolute maximum would be 550.

Keep at it!

It’s not too great,But it’s okay,Maybe 300 or 350

The neon reminds me of volt de asimo, lower the lighting of the neon

Thank you ok i will set the price to 450 :smiley:

I believe this is worth two-hundred to five-hundred.

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I’d say about 200 robux to 500 robux. It looks like most of it is copy and pasted. You should add more detail to it. But it looks nice :smiley:.