How much is this Honda S2000 worth?

Hello, I recently made a topic to sell this car for 30 robux, by the way, I received a lot of price suggestions, all around 1k-10k robux. I’m kinda sure it’s overpriced.
So, I want you guys feedback on how much this car is worth.

These versions have:
-326 Power brake kits.
-Touge Factory drift spoiler.
-HKS Hi-Bore exhaust, straight pipe.
-2JZ engine, twin-turbo. Making 572 HP.
-Weight reduction.
-Independent suspension.
-Toyo Tires drift tire.
-Momo steering wheel.
-Recaro seat.
-Airbag suspension.
image image imageimage

Thanks for those who answer!! :+1: :+1: :+1:



I’m pretty sure none of the prices everyone made are overpriced. It’s pretty obvious it can bid over 10,000 robux. Because I’m not pretty good with pricing and I don’t know the decent prices for cars like this, I suggest looking at other posts of selling cars similar to yours. I’d say tho it can sell over 8k!


That’s outrageous!
I’m not an experienced buyer, but these could definitely sell for at least 6-10k.

When DevExing, your low price of 30 Robux only amounts to 11 cents (USD). That’s not in any way worth it.
6-10k is $21-35 USD.


If I spent 10K commissioning this I think I’d be pretty happy with the result, but remember pre-made assets are worth less than commissions because developers have specific requirements that their assets need to meet and pre-made assets are less likely to meet them.


The price of 30 Robux for that is criminally underpriced (Do you value that item at 0.11 USD?), like mentioned previously, when thinking about pricing think it like a developer, for example we think about Robux to USD by 0.0035 USD per Robux, rather than what it costs to buy it on the Roblox store.

If the demand is there and people suggest that price, I don’t see a big reason not to price around that mark. You could also consider alternative methods of selling such as an auction (if done right) could give a great price for all while barging up competition.


I would say around 6k. The value depends on whether you fully made this yourself or whether you used free models to make this.

5k robux. You could make it even more expensive but I wouldn’t.

That is indeed criminally underpriced!

I’d say around 10K to 15K. If it has scripts, and it’s chassis is based of jailbreak’s chassis, then it would easily be worth 25K - 35K.

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The aesthetics alone definitely increase the value of the vehicle. Just be wary of the factors that can lower the value (customization, scripts, etc.)

I don’t see how those can decrease the value. Those should boost the value depending on the quality.

If the asset isn’t customizable, I wouldn’t want to purchase it.

As for the scripts - I wouldn’t want to pay a lot for an open sourced chassis script.

Oh. I thought you ment that customization can lower the value:

Scripts don’t in any way shape or form decrease the value or not affect the value at all. If you made your own chassis script, and did not illegally copy it from somewhere or take it from an open source chassis, then your script / chassis would easily boost the value (again depending on the quality, and what type of chassis it is. If it is a constraint chassis, then it would not increase the the value too much, but if it is based of the way jailbreak’s chassis works, then it would greatly boost the value)


I would say 4-5k would be a decent price for this.

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