How much is this simple donut store worth?

Hello. I am wondering what the worth of this simple donut shop is (in robux).


I am guessing that this is around 300-400 ROBUX, if not please correct me.

Also, criticism and feedback is appreciated, of course. Thanks!


I would say 50-100 R$. Only because it could use some detail. The roof is super low, and the builds are super blocky. Add some windows, maybe counters, or beams. Check out some images of donut stores near you, or online for reference. As well as bring down the bloom a bit in lighting.

The roof is super low… as in the bathrooms? Or overall? Also… beams?

Overall, it seems a bit cramped. The doors to the bathrooms are super low. As for beams, Im not really sure where I was going. I would suggest making something similar to this:

It is a pretty cute store. Obviously you can look up images, but this is what I would go for.

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Donut on roof is decent but everything else needs work especially the details. The cafe is also too small in my opinion. I would recommend going on Google to look through concept arts to get ideas.

Worth around 50-100 robuxs.


If I’m being honest here, it may well be worth an amount of Robux. 400 at the most. But I really don’t think anyone is in the market for this. The cafe is too small and there isn’t enough detail to justify any demand for this cafe; it looks like most of your work went into the donut model at the top. The walls are bland. The bathroom is blocky and not in a stylistic sort of way. I get that a lot of people want to make Robux off of their creations and that’s great. Any creation is worth an amount of Robux to someone who doesn’t have any building experience, but I highly suggest considering whether or not your creation has any sellable significance before even considering selling. You would really be better off just selling the donut model on its own, because the cafe looks like it was thrown on in a minute or two to compliment that donut model.


I think that it should be around 100-200 robux.
You could add more tables and chairs in the shop and maybe try to make the ceiling higher a bit because it looks cramped.
I suggest that you add some paintings and posters to the wall as well. You could give the shop more color to it by changing the color of the wall and floor too. Keep on doing that progress!

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It’s good overall, but if I were you I would add some… curves to the build and then sell it. For now it’s around 350 R$

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Sorry, but I don’t think this is sellable. I could see it in a small game as a building players can explore. It’s good but needs some improvement and keep on working on your skills. If I wanted something like this I’d buy for ~25

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I’d say 325 robux would be a great price for this. I am not a builder so please don’t judge me if I said wrong about the price. :wink:

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