I desgined money shop for a mini city,is gradient overused?
I rotated very few gradients on UI to make object non clickable
Several reasons for not scrapping Gradients
Looks good
Doesn’t make bland backgrounds for text between ghost shadows
Easily identify what buttons they are, (e.g blue clickable, grey non-clickable)
Some may not recognise between real world objects after use of flat objects on uses of tech such as modern smart phones
July 4, 2020, 11:36am
It looks good tbh, the gradients don’t overwhelm, it looks minimally fancy.
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July 4, 2020, 11:39am
The background suits the theme by the looks of it. If you wanted to make it better, maybe add some more extra effects to make it less bland.
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July 4, 2020, 11:48am
I would really like to see the outlines gone, they make the GUI look old fashioned. Rounding off corners might also help for a more organic feel if you wanna go for it.
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July 4, 2020, 12:09pm
Well words can’t always explain everything, here’s a quick picture I whipped up of how I would do it:
I find gradient much better on the eyes when it’s used for backgrounds, it also provides a nice contrast for the buttons in the foreground. Rather than vice versa, where the buttons essentially look like copy and paste. Also, you should swap positions with “245 000 Moneyz” and “50 000 Moneyz”, they’re not in order.
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I think it looks amazing and you did not overuse gradients.
For the original, I don’t think there is too much gradient, but the revised version looks a lot better and I would recommend using it.
It is a good refined style. Removing outlines makes it seem more cartoonish (suitable for mobile form). Wholly dependent on what you want, really.
Black on white looks cooler, if someone dms me ask me about tweening and animations
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July 5, 2020, 3:02am
This could also work depending on the mood.