Hello im creator of SCP:Breach so i am asking that how much robux revenue gets a group? :
About Group
The game is managed by IGS a group that i made.
What i want achieve : I wanna get enough funds to paid my team
What is the problem? : If im getting 70% of my robux from the incoming gamepasses or dev products
Where did i hear that? : In a youtube video of how make a good game. (in spanish search)
For Staff: Please take note i was 6 days ago ranked to member so please im new idk a lot of categories hope u understand .
I’m not too sure what you mean by this post. A group I work Develop for earns around 500k a year, the game passes are around 500 Robux, so more people can purchase it instead of having thousands of Robux. Game passes for teams or special ranks can be helpful to earn revenue.
It would be great if you were a bit more clear on the post.
June 18, 2021, 7:49pm
I don’t understand this post, could you explain further?
I think you are asking how much will your scp group make?
1 Like
that is about ho wmany a gamepass in a group earns
June 23, 2021, 2:53pm
I’m sorry for the late response
I’m sorry, I still don’t understand the question.
I’ll try answering what I think I understand
You get 70% of income from your ads.
If you were to have 10 people buy a 100 robux gamepass, you would be earning 700 robux.
Okay let me explain more good @baseparts my game have for now 28 visits wich is a good amount for me. and we have 3 gamepasses UNGOC 500 robux O5 1k robux SCP VIP 750
June 24, 2021, 4:02pm
Vas a ganar differentes cantidades de dinero, depende en cuantos jugadores juegan tu jego, y el precio de que vendes tus productos.
Translation: You’ll earn more depending on how many people play your game, and how much your gamepasses and developer products sell for.
June 24, 2021, 4:08pm
Okay… yeah, but like what’s the question here
June 25, 2021, 2:24am
There is no set amount of money you receive it’s all based on a lot of factors:
A few factors (with examples):
Popularity (Is it on or linked to a well known group?)
Game addicting (returning players vs new players)
Quality of game (is it free modelled?)
% of whales (people who spend a lot) to free players.
Target age (young children or 18+)
Risky game? (do your players believe the game will actually give you your reward?)
Monetization strategy (pay-to-win etc.)
Play time / visits (are players leaving instantly?)
Fashion / fads (is your game the new ‘Adopt Me!’ or is your game the most hated game on Roblox?)
YouTuber coverage (is Flamingo playing your game?)
Amount of money your target audience has (does the target audience have disposable Robux?)
These are only a few, there are a lot more…