How much Robux should I spend for sponsor/advertisment

So I have been trying to get players on my game but I cant seem to get discovered.
I’m thinking of trying advertisement now.

Should I be doing advertisements or sponsor. And how much Robux should I be spending on these.

My Game
I have a fairly well designed Icon and Thumbnail. And I have a 100% like dislike ratio as well as mostly good feedback. Thanks in advance

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i would reccomend using a few thousand robux it depends on how much you have
Edit:make sure to tell your friends to play the game becuz friends are very important in developing since they make your game popular and youtubers with about 1000 players is actually good to help your game be popular

Alright, do you think sponsor or advertisement would be better.

Hey, there are so many answers on that already, here are some reference links:

Basically, it all depends.

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Oh great a ton of answers haha, thanks.

I spend 10 robux to make advertissement and I got 750 imprssions, 14 clicks and 6 - 8 visits. If you spend 1000 roblux, you will get 600 - 800 visits.

That was for YOU, you had an ad with fine impressions, OP might get more or less.

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