How much robux should I use to advertise a game?

I am planning on releasing a game. How much robux should I use for the advertisement?


I would suggest starting off with around 500-1,000 but you should do what you can afford and to also be able to do it multiple times a week.


How much would 500 - 1000 Robux get me in terms of Concurrent players?

Varies heavily based on your CTR, Play-through-rate, average playtime, and numerous other factors.

This really depends on your budget and goals. I usually just try to make sure I profit or at least break even. If you can do that, you just have to keep building up.


What about visits? I don’t think that would be greatly affected by the factors you stated.

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Visits would simply be determined by taking your impressions, multiplying it by your CTR (as a decimal, not a percent), then multiplying that by your Play Through Rate (also as a decimal), although this is assuming players don’t join from other sources and no player joins twice.

For 1000 robux, it’s reasonable to estimate you’d get 100k impressions (you could get more or less), assuming you have a 1% CTR, that would be 1k clicks. Assuming you have a 50% play through rate, that would be 500 visits.


K, thank you for this information!

None, it’s a waste of robux. Think about it, when you see all of those adds on roblox, do any lead to a front page game? No. Because the popular devs are smart about their robux. Don’t buy an add

For the people who want to kickstart a game, some people use ads. There are games on the front page that use ads. Most of the games on the front page are from developers from another game with popularity. The developers have a platform for their game to receive free advertisements (Twitter, etc.). For developers who don’t have a platform, this is the best way to do it.


Ok, I guess I don’t see it because I don’t have social media then. I still don’t like advertising though.

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It can be a waste of robux. Front page games do not need to purchase advertisements because they already have an amount of players that will keep playing their game. After you gain so many player, the ads will not help as much. Advertisements are a great way to start off your game and make it more well-known. After you gain those consecutive players, youtubers and and promotion in other ways will start to happen automatically, which takes the place of the advertisement.


You can test the waters and run an ad with a small amount to see what kind of rates and stats you get. It is generally proportional to how much you put in. Though, when you put in a small amount, it may give a very sparse amount of data to work with.

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Try doing the method I use, right now I have about 100 - 200 concurrent players on my tycoon, I did a sponsor for 600 Robux a day for a week which then kept my player count at 20 - 50 but because the sponsor was for a week, I think the algorithm picked up my game because It held 20-50 players for a whole week, now it has 200 players


How else do you plan on publicizing your game?

Word of mouth, and contacting a YouTuber if their email is public

Can’t you compare advertising to word of mouth then? Just on a much greater magnitude.

Ya, we were talking about advertising though, not other options.

I have researched a little bit more and most people’s advice is to spend 100 robux on different ads and spend the rest on the best one.

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Also consider if the numbers you are seeing from those test ads are worth to you what you are spending.

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