How much should I charge for my gfx?

Just wondering how much you would pay for a gfx like the ones in the examples below!
(im currently selling them for a 100 robux)



unfortunately (but fortunately for you!) like many developers and the people actually designing and putting their hard work into the roblox economy are underpaid.

I looked at the 100R$. I’m like… fr? POGGERS! jk: My eyes popped out

Seriously though, I’d say you can get 2k per gfx if you’ve met the right client to work with.
Averagely, I’d say these are already high quality gfx, and if you make ones for game thumbnails with the same quality: 4000R$ each.

If you were to place these examples on sale right now, I’d say they’re worth 1k each (mainly because lower demand for “profile” gfx.

There is very high demand for Game Icon GFX, as well as Game Thumbnail GFX. I encourage you to take a look at those :slight_smile:

edit: want power of ethos? I’m experienced dev. since 2018, and (kind of) a roblox collab/communtiy OG


100 robux is extremely underpaid please do not work for someone for 100 robux

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I would do :robux_light: 350, giving the details and quality.


If you made the GFX for a well-known or expensive game, I’d say you are more likely to make A TON of robux from your icons. They’re amazing!

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