How much should I charge for teaching Lua to 20 people?

Hi all,

I was wondering what would be a good price to set for 8 2 hr Roblox lessons? This will be in-person with a max cap of 20 people

At first I thought of charging £20 per person per lesson, which would make £160 per person for 8 lessons. However I’m worried that may discourage people from attending.

On the other hand I could do £10 per person per lesson, so £80 per person for 8 lessons.

I have the tendency to undervalue myself, so I’m wondering what is a reasonable price to pay.

To be clear, I am aware that there are loads of tutorials online. But lets be honest here, only some dedicated people can learn from that. You also don’t get help in person, which can be frustrating for some ppl.

I also plan to cover actual “complex” topics like RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions and how to make scalable UI (These topics are complex for beginners). If I have time, I may also cover raycasting for guns and pathfinding. I likely won’t cover module scripts or OOP, since I only have 8 lessons and those 2 topics is not important until you’ve scripted for a little while. Everyone’s code is messy at the start :laughing:

I also intend on teaching how to use the dev forum and dev hub (so they can teach themselves after lessons).

In terms of experience, I have a degree in computer science with game dev, and developed on Roblox lua for 5+ years now. Very, very few people have these experience for Roblox in England.

Based on the above, what is a reasonable price to charge?


If these lessons are 1on1 lessons, they can be charged a little more as it is just you and someone else in the lesson.
Also, you know your worth for your charges. If you believe that you are good enough as a scripter and can quite potentially teach new people, you can increase your charge a little bit. In my opinion, 10 or 20 $ per lesson is a perfect amount.

P.S. Another thing I thought of, is charging the easier lessons at a lesser rate as they are more simple, then you can mark the more complex ones at a higher difficulty and charge a little more for the pricier ones. Hope I helped, even though im 4 days late! :slight_smile: