Hello, I recently made a few low-poly models and I’m wanting to sell them. How much should I price these models for?
I think about 35-70 Robux, i also love the builds.
Thank you! They are still for sale, you interested?
The rocks and trees are not going to be as much as the stand and buildings. I would say the inside of the buildings are a bit empty so many like 250 robux. Not exactly sure because I dont usually sell the stuff I build.
Ok thank you, I have an idea of what I’ll do it for!
250 - 500 Robux, it’s really well made and not a lot of people can do what you do.
Ranging price between 200-1000. Really.
As a moderator of a Discord server with hiring channels, I have seen people offer in average 450 robux for lowpoly assets.
Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
If you want to make more rocks, I would like to buy from you for around 50-200 depending on details. Celestial_dev#7067