Hi! Recently I completed a build and I’m interested in selling it, but I’m having an issue determining what the actual value of this is. I’ve looked at other sales for similar things but haven’t wrapped my mind around a good idea yet for what this is worth. Pictures are listed bellow of the build!
Thank you and let me know down bellow what you think the fair price is! Messaging me works too. I’m asking what a fair price is because It’s currently for auction:
( https://devforum.roblox.com/t/sale-multi-use-build-2/369534/7 )
I’m conflicted as to how much I should be taking on this! Thank you for reading this and let me know!
That’s an impressive build! The lighting is really good, and the building and details are amazing! Looks like it could sell for about 5k-10k ROBUX. It also depends on the purpose of the build, but overall I think it could go for 5k-10k ROBUX.
This build you have made is very amazing i like the details and decorations you added. Around the whole place including the exterior the lighting! Looks really nice around the environment really well done. However regarding a price to how much this could be worth i would, say something around 6.4k - 10k is a great price for this to be worth because you! Have a lot of details around the map including on top of the building and if, the buyer wants to add a interior to the building, i can see it be worth 10k but i wouldn’t do a low price. Like as been said above 500 is not a good price for this to be worth something around. 6.4k and higher this could be worth and i saw a couple of your creations and i can see you have some, really impressive build your currently putting up for sell but those. Are the prices that i’ll sell this for but 10k is a responsible price.
Overall, you have a nice creation you have made here i do believe if the buyer. Wants to add a interior i know the inside would look more improved, and detailed however just try doing those prices i can see this looking great with a interior! Added to your creation overall hope you sell, your creation very soon and i’m looking forward. To seeing what else you plan on making soon!!
Don’t let people tell you this is worth 5k. 5k is $17.50, and this looks like it took longer than an hour to make. I’d say between 10k-20k is more suitable, especially after factoring in interior decorating.
Personally, I don’t know if I’m up to date on pricing for smaller-scale builds, but I would pay about 20k-25k Robux which equates to 70 - 87.50 USD. This is appropriate pay for the hours it looks like you put into tedious symmetry and colorful aesthetics.
What you have built here is incredible. If I were to sell something anywhere this quality, I would sell it for at least 10k. Though I do not believe it can be priced above 30k. It is incredibly detailed.