How much should I spend on advertisements for my game?

Hello, my game is upcoming and this is the first time I’m going to advertise a game of mine.

I don’t really know how much robux I should put on advertisements and sponsors so please give me some support on this in the comments. :slight_smile:


15,000 is a good starting point, but if the game is good you can go too as little as 500 robux.


10 robux.

don’t waste a lot of money at the start point. everything starts with a little amount of money dude.

If you’re using ADS, make multiple ads and not just one. Run each of them at the same time with equal amounts of robux, say 1000 then see what ad gets the most CPR. That ad that gets more CPR means that ad is more appealing to the users.

Then you can invest more robux on that ad if ya want.


10 robux on ads will literally do nothing. 10 robux is not enough to compete with devs throwing in thousands.


Depending on the game and substantial amount you have you can range it from 10,000-100,000.

What I recommend you doing seeing that you haven’t run advertisements on your game before, start with smaller figures and see how the first advertisement goes and the figures shown on the concurrent amount of people that play your game.

Something I deeply recommend is to invest your time/robux into a very appealing advertisement which is also a reason why many games grow by having very appealing and inducing advertisements.

I would start off smaller on your advertisements like around 1,000 at most and also make a lot of different advertisements as some may get more clicks.

Ok, tell me what will 10 robux do for your game since you know your stuff.

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test your ads thats it and if people clicks on your ad keep going

Your budget is either low or you must be new to the marketing world if you think 10 robux will help.


I don’t think ten Robux could buy an ad


10 robux is not enough to get good recognition.

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Which is exactly what I told the guy?

Start with 500 or 1000

Adding on , the ad should be super attractive


While there are countless threads that discuss the same problems or shows how much should I spend on my first launch. How much should I spend on advertisements?

I would consider putting 2k or more to test the waters as everyone has many approaches to ‘how much should to spend on ads for a first launch’. It depends experiment with spending small portions on ads and see which ones performs better. You could put 5k as a test, and split it up each day so you won’t spend it all at once on a single ad. Here is a helpful guide to view;

10 robux may not be much, but you wouldn’t wanna spend 20-30$ for an advertisement that will only run for one day. Not to mention that some people might not even notice the ads in the first place.

10 robux isn’t even a big enough sample size to even tell if your ad is appealing.