How much should Skip Stage cost?

How much should Skip Stage cost?

Current price: 15 :robux_gold:

I want the players to be happy and don’t think it’s too expensive.

  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
  • 30
  • 35
  • 40

0 voters


That depends on the difficulty of the stage. Do you have any screenshots?

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But I want to have the same price for all stages: Clock's Difficulty Chart Obby HARD - Roblox

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Non of the above, 5 robux is more than enough for a skip.


Why though? Having the price scale would make things fairer.

@BrandonKardashianx 5 Robux is way too low. Someone can finish the game easily with that.

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Just because someone can doesn’t mean someone wants to. The price isn’t low at all? What kind of person has 15 robux just sitting on their account unless they’re made of robux?

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Therefore, the price scaling idea is good. People may pay 5 Robux for some simple 2 stud wall wraps, but only paying 5 Robux for some difficult glitch stage is nothing.

A lot of people.

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Half of the players don’t even have robux, If they want to make the skip stage more open to as many players as possible they should go for the losest price but that’s up to the creator.

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I am by no means made of robux. However, I definitely have more than 15 robux sitting in my account, as I’m sure others do.


congratulations? I’m glad you have robux.

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That wasn’t my point. My point was that quite a few Roblox players have robux in their account, and therefore having 15 robux in your account doesn’t mean you are made of money.

Roblox’s revenue in 2020 was 923 million. Assuming 75% of their revenue comes from robux purchases (probably more), that’s 692.25 million. In December of 2020, there were a recorded 191 million users. Some are likely alt accounts, so 15% will be removed, bringing the number to 162.35 million. Going back to the revenue statistics, USD$100 is equal to 10,000 robux. Dividing 692.25 million by 100 will bring a rough estimate of the number of 10,000 robux purchases on the Roblox platform. Assuming everyone has purchased robux only at the rate of 100 for 10,000 lowers the numbers, so in actuality, the number of purchases is far bigger. Either way, a rough estimate of the number of purchases is 6,922,500. To compensate for the fact that I assumed all purchases were 100 for 10,000, I’ll assume that every single one of these purchases is unique. 162.35 million users, 6,922,500 purchases, that’s about 5% of the playerbase buying robux. Quite a large amount. And let’s not forget that 6,922,500 USD is equivalent to 55,380,000,000 robux.


What I did was change the price depending on the Difficulty, for the first few I had a price of 35 Robux (Stage 1-80) then everything after stage 80 would cost 45 Robux. For the people that liked to play only the hard stages I was also selling a ‘Skip to stage 80’ for 99 Robux (looking back it should’ve been more expensive.)

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In my opinion it needs to be different with how difficult the stage is.

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I like to play obbies, I often meet obbies with skip stage option but I never buy it, because I play it to practice jumping and not spend robux. In my opinion it shouldn’t exist.


Do what some random difficulty chart game that I beat in an hour did. Every so often, you get a free skip, other wise it’s payed. Put the time until you skip either in a datastore or start at some high number so people can’t cheat it by leaving and rejoining. You can also put price scaling for each level in combination with the free skip.

There should not be a skip stage at all. Skip stage lets players buy their way out of the game and ruins the whole point of the game. 100% agree with @SuchTheLegendary.

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Ok. I will not change the prize for now. I will not raise it, because you told me to and I won’t lower it, because it is already approx. 10 :robux_gold: cheaper than in most comparable obbies and because the players buy it often.

I might add different prizes for different difficulties soon :eyes: