I am currently developing a game. I was wondering how much I would have to pay a scripter, with sufficient knowledge and skills, to design a complex game system resembling Super Smash Bros. I plan on earning a bit of cash and I believe that I need to plot out a good amount of pay that will make people satisfied to work in order to make a successful game.
As it would take a while to make, and assuming that the scripter gets a 45% group share, how much USD do you think I have to raise to get a scripter of good caliber to design a complex game system?
You may be able to get one for around $300.
I’d say you can get one for around $200-$250 if they are intermediate/ haven’t done all that many jobs before
What do you define good caliber in scripting?
Usage of OOP?
Advanced knowledge regarding Vectors and CFrames?
Inverse Kinematics?
3D math?
Intermediate use of raycasting?
Proficient in backend or frontend? Is Framework scripting essential?
Understanding of data structures? (Includes algorithm, hashmaps, etc)
Having a firm grasp on API?
I could go on forever ;(
Scripting is vast and I think you should instead of looking up how much money you need is to find out basic terminology of scripting first. Get a basic comprehension and THEN make an assessment of how much you should invest in a scripter.
I think it’s also a matter of what the employer wants. A good scripter for what OP needs would not need to know half of what you listed and could still get by just fine.
There is also difficulty, even with a general comprehension of the scripting, in determining the market. That’s why many new scripters, even those who’ve been in the market long, sell their services dirt cheap or even free because there is simply no good way to find out how high it is actually worth.
As for @Freezenex’s question: Since the scripter is already getting 45% payout (personally I would boost to 50 unless you absolutely need the extra 5 for another guy) he should already expect that to be enough payment. It’s rare for scripters to demand both % and $, however when it is negotiated it can be very subjective.
Now, usually a really in depth combat system can go for a solid high price. Even a simple skill/ability requires an animation, key input detection, some remotes, and then damage calculation. An overwatch style combat system could be sold for up to $1000 if it’s high quality. But we are also taking into account that the scripter is being paid 45% therefore if the scripter does ask for a down payment/insurance it should only go for $150 maximum.
This should also take into account the relative experience of the scripter, but I digress and I’m starting to ramble.
I do believe clonetrooper published a tutorial on how to find a good scripter which could help you in your exploits.
I think, a good programmer would cost you a lot, but you should not get the best programmer, get a programmer like that can script games, 150$-250$, getting a very talented programmer would take 300$-1000$+ for a long term.