How much would it cost for a scripter to script a game?

Hey guys,

So i havent hired a scripter before, and Im wondering how much would it cost to hire a scripter to script a game? Thank you!


Depends on the game and scripts, obviously. (and the person)

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So if I wanted a person to script a whole game with high quality how much would it cost? Medium quality? Low quality?

It depends, again, on what scripts you need, and what the game itself is about.

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So if it was an fps game how much would it cost

There’s no such thing as a concrete price so you aren’t asking the right question here. Ballparking sure you might be able to get variable estimates but the cost of hiring is heavily dependent on you.

The scope and details of your project as well as the expectations of the programmer will modify the cost and if they’re expected to do a large part of your game rather than small contributions then a percentage of revenue generated by the game may be in order along with an initial pay. If the game does badly, then compensation may be in order as well for services rendered and revenue loss.

I know I wouldn’t make someone else an entire shooter game for a weak 50K; at that point, I might as well just make it for myself and reap 100% of the benefits, consequences and so on of the project instead of giving it to someone else.


this depends ALOT and cant really be answered.