How much would you price these GFX?

Imma be honest, I want to start looking for commissions again but I don’t know where to price myself. Be very honest, what you price these individually? I consider these my best works over the past two years



First: 350 :robux_gold:
Second: 550 :robux_gold:
Third: 1000 :robux_gold:

Prices are based on the devex rate and adjusted to be more reasonable. Even now, in terms of USD, they are extremely low but you need to fix the lighting and include more props/characters and better quality logos in especially the first one to charge more.


Thank you, I believe I have a lot of things to improve, but that will just come with more experience.

1 and 2 maybe 200 :robux_gold:
3 on the other hand, that is professional GFX and with the right client it could be 1k :robux_gold: to 100k :robux_gold:


1st & 2nd will be somewhere under 1,000 robux. But the 3rd one looks pretty professional to be above 50,000.


1st - 200-800
2nd - 300-1.4k
3rd - 1k-7k.

not sure where these people are getting 50k-100k+ from, it’s good but not worth that much, almost no GFX is worth that much.


People pay vast amounts of money for GFX, big game studios for the last one would probably pay 50 to 100k AND as a former GFX designer people do pay that much for game thumbnails.

yea, if they’re super high quality lol. these are good, but not that good. source: i hire GFX artists frequently as a game studio owner + used to be a gfx artist.

dude you can get so much better with 50k lmfao, 50k is top of the line