How replicated that effects? (LOOK THE DESCRIPTION)

I was loking a one piece game on Development, and i found that cool effect

Iam asking my self how MAKE that cool effect, i dont have any Idea, i dont know If is ParticleEmmiter, or beams, Anyone can helpme?


That’s just a neon blue meshpart.

The circles can be made with beams with curves.

The center with triangles can be made with beams.

Extra effects can be made with particles.

I hope this helps.


If I’m not mistaken, this is actually an effect exported from blender?
Heres an example:

Essentialy, the “effect” is created by creating a mesh in blender first which in turn gets exported into roblox, you can then modify the materials (make it neon) and boom, you’ve got an effect created, you can also separate the objects as to later tween/animate them when the time comes.

Although beams are a pretty good idea, at some quality levels, they can really derp out an be a pain or they can look odd at certain angles :man_shrugging:

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