How sequenced events are programmed?

Let’s say we have a game where a cutscene occurs, then player see action ect. and depending on some factors the cutscene may go another one and then eventually end, imagine that in those cutscenes few parts change theri states like particles are enabled or something explodes ect.

My question is how do are these programmed, do i need hardcoded script for each cutscene? or is there a better way, a softer way to do it, ik i can softcode stuff that i’ll use in those cutscenes like module per cutscene or overall functions ect. but is there anything more?

My guess is most games that use a lot of cutscenes have some sort of custom made editor.

If your going to only make a few cutscenes just hard code them otherwise make a helper module script then make your own / find a plugin to help you.

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Still custom made editors are normal scripts and modules, how do they achieve it without hardcoding it or at least hardcoding it but not as much

You’d mostly just want some events to communicate it between the client and server.

Server would send the first signal, to start the scene.
Client runs the scene.
Client ends, sending an event to the server.
Server sets up the next scene. Sends an event to let the client know to start the next scene.
Client runs it, sends event that it finished.

Etc. Then it’s just about hooking up what happens between each event.

It probably would have a lot of hard coding. But you can always change things (like, if you use a component system, add a tag on something to indicate that it should enable at the end of scene 2).

But honestly, I don’t see that being any easier than just having it hardcoded. Short of something extremely specific for your use case, I assume that’s your best bet.

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