Hi! I’m trying to make a flying enemy AI that moves in a “circular” path around the target WITH some occasions of random directions, so that it doesn’t look like its going around in a perfect circle.
I’m not really good at explaining so here is a clip of what I want the AI to look like
Here’s where I’m at right now :
local Char = script.Parent local Speed = 0.2 local Radius = 15 local Angle = 0 local Reverse = false game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt) if Reverse then Angle -= dt * math.pi * Speed else Angle += dt * math.pi * Speed end local NewPos = Vector3.new( 0, Radius * math.cos(Angle), Radius * math.sin(Angle) ) NewPos += workspace.TestPart.Position Char.PrimaryPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(NewPos, workspace.TestPart.Position) end) while task.wait(math.random(1, 3)) do Reverse = not Reverse end
It’s got the circular motion down but it is still not 100% of how I want it to behave. So I tweaked the script to make it so that it generates two points around the target (in this case its “TestPart”). And in between those two points, it will create a part and assigns a random offset to that part.
Something like this :
local Char = script.Parent local Speed = 0.2 local Radius = 15 local function Test(Angle) -- Creates part on the assigned angle Angle *= 3.14 -- Converts it to radians local NewPos = Vector3.new( 0, Radius * math.cos(Angle), Radius * math.sin(Angle) ) NewPos += workspace.TestPart.Position local Part = Instance.new("Part", workspace) Part.Anchored = true Part.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1) Part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon Part.Position = NewPos return Part end local function Draw(A1, A2) -- Creates parts between two angles Test(A1) local Angle = A1 + 0.1 for i = 2, A2 * 10 do local Part = Test(Angle) Part.Position += Vector3.new(0, math.random(-1, 1), math.random(-1, 1)) Angle += 0.1 -- Increments every 0.1 radians end Test(A2) end Draw(0, 0.5)
The next step I was thinking of was iterating between each part and tweening the enemy character’s position to that part’s position, but there’s one issue. Since this script is handled on the server, it will look jittery (which i don’t want)
And so to prevent that, I thought of making the client be the one tweening it. Then, whenever a player attacks (hit detection is handled client sided), it will fire a remote event with the position of the enemy on the client as one of the arguments to the server which does sanity checks (like if the said argument is close to any of the points or not, and other basic sanity checks).
But then I’m not sure if this solution is the best way to approach this issue, as I’m afraid there are better ways on how to do it and I’m just overcomplicating it. So, I would like some feedbacks!