How should I determine if it's a players first time joining

I’m trying to make a “simple” tutorial for my game for only the first time joining, and after this first time the tutorial won’t ever show up again. But, I can’t find a simple way to determine whether it’s their first time or not.
I have tried searching it here, on the devforum and on YouTube. YouTube only gave me a few video’s telling me how I should make my first game or how I should make a tutorial, but that one doesn’t stop showing up every time you join.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


In most cases, they would utilize a data store. If there’s a data store under their ID, it is most likely not their first time anymore.

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Ah, well to be honest this is the problem, I haven’t made a data store and therefore I created this post, as I don’t know how to make one and how to look under their data.

You could just have a boolvalue and check if its false, but If its false make it true.

Do I need a data store for that?

Yes you need to save the boolvalue.

For example the boolvalue’s name is “NewPlayer” or something.

If they join it will be true, then you will set it as false and save that.

When they join you can check if its true or not and if its true you could do something like fire a RemoteEvent to make a gui appear on their screen.

RepStorage.Events.IsNew.OnServerInvoke = function(p)
	if (IsNew:GetAsync(p.UserId)) then
		return false
		return true

With this you can ask server if a Player is new.

With this code from client:

local IsNew = game.ReplicatedStorage.IsNew:InvokeServer()
if (IsNew)
print("Player is new")
Print("Player's not new.")

Thank you for replying, I will use this.