I’m trying to make a “simple” tutorial for my game for only the first time joining, and after this first time the tutorial won’t ever show up again. But, I can’t find a simple way to determine whether it’s their first time or not.
I have tried searching it here, on the devforum and on YouTube. YouTube only gave me a few video’s telling me how I should make my first game or how I should make a tutorial, but that one doesn’t stop showing up every time you join.
Ah, well to be honest this is the problem, I haven’t made a data store and therefore I created this post, as I don’t know how to make one and how to look under their data.
RepStorage.Events.IsNew.OnServerInvoke = function(p)
if (IsNew:GetAsync(p.UserId)) then
return false
return true
With this you can ask server if a Player is new.
With this code from client:
local IsNew = game.ReplicatedStorage.IsNew:InvokeServer()
if (IsNew)
print("Player is new")
Print("Player's not new.")