How Should I go about making a Custom Animations Script?

So I’m wondering on How I could make my own Animation System Instead of using the Default Script Roblox Gives you when your Character spawns in.
While yes, the Provided Default Script Script does all the work for you, and you can easily change it, is there a better way to control Animations?

Not asking for Code, Just a General Question on where I should begin with it
I asked this a couple of times, but I never got a Answer about it, so I might as well ask again.

I shouldnt think that there were a better way to handle animations, i doubt that Roblox would handle all player animations in a buggy unoptimized script.

If you were to make a custom animations module, i should think you would need alot of knowledge based on humanoids.

What do you mean by “control animations”?

Yeah, but by the looks of it, a lot of the stuff that are inside of the Default Script are outdated, or Deprecated, and have been for more than a couple of years by now,

I Understand how Humanoids, Animators, etc work, Just asking on where I should begin on making this kind of system, because not everyone does it the exact same way, and topics about this seem to be very limited for Roblox.

Player Animations, as in your Character.

The Script that Controls them.

Well, the default animation script is open-sourced, I would say it’d be easier to just modify that to your liking rather than starting from scratch.

And my question was more about what exactly you want to be different so much so that you want to make your own animation module, just curious.

Why not?

I’m just trying to see what I can do with things, and sometimes I ask the forum questions, or to ask where I can begin with these kind of stuff, there is not really anything more to it, that’s basically all I create topics on.

There are also people who ask these same things, so why not ask?

It’d be an interesting project. It’s definitely doable since I think animations are just a bunch of CFrame values (haven’t looked too deep into them)

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