I have read that humanoids are very costly on the server and many of them would cause lag. I want my game to have around 10 locations with 10+ NPC mobs that are very easy to kill and have very little animations. They will rapidly respawn as they are killed. Some people have said to disable humanoid states that are not in use, but that may not be enough. I have also read about a custom humanoid called luanoid, will that help? Or should I just make NPC’s that move around with tweenservice and have no animation?
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My suggestion would be to delete humanoids as they die or a few seconds after they’re dead.
Edit: Also if all possible, only have the NPCs in the area the player is in to load while the ones in other locations arn’t.
I’m planning on turning on streaming enabled, I imagine that will help clients. I’ll do this for the server then.
But when i’m at maximum capacity, 10 groups of 10 humanoids running off of their own AI script, will the server lag?
I only ever worked with one npc, so I can’t say if it won’t lag to have a lot in one area. It will probably depend on how the AI scripts are done.