I am currently creating a game “City of Hope”, and I am trying to find out what the best way to grow a community/fan base is. As I am trying to build some hype, and get people in our game development group.
If you have any suggestions that could help with this, feel free to reply thanks!
Try making sneak peak videos? Maybe ask well known youtubers (or any youtubers) to talk about the game in their videos. Try making stuff other then the game in the group until the game comes out? For example, clothing? I’m trying to help but I’m tired, and I don’t know that much about this.
Codes. People love free stuff, and putting a limited day one code will draw some players into your game. Spread them through twitter, YouTubers, ad’s, whatever.
I do not suggest that you attempt in having a community while having a unplayable prototype.
If you ever have that, it would be nice for a moment, surely, but it comes up with more negative points than positive to my taste, because it means managing that existing community, and honestly, when it’s a WIP project, it’s only a burden, a waste of time, specifically because that are times that skip out the development time as people consider managing as essential.
People will constantly ask for updates or progress, which is obvious, they are “supposedly” a fan of the game in question, but you have to reply frequently regardless, people eventually lose their patience since most hyped games are either rushed or too ambitious, it’s best to just confirm that your game is worth the wait.
i’ve once seen some kind of Anime-RPG game, 200 members in 2 days because they knew alot of leads and did some partnership (channel sponsoring) discord with others roblox community, they only had like 3 blender weapon as wip to show since they just started, the “developers” was more focused in growing in people than the game itself, at this point it’s just seeking attention as they are not even into the base.
Best way for anything is ads, as long as you have robux to pay for it.
When I made cafes, hotels, or any other games I would do the following
Run about 100-500 Robux on one ad I would then wait maybe wait until the 24 hour timer is up
Run another 250-500 on either one ad or split it between two ads. The more you spend on one ad, the more people would see it
Run 500-1000 on a next day.
From there, have quite a bit of robux to spend on either 2 to 3 ads, preferably 1500+. That seemed to attract quite a bit of customers for me. Also make sure the ads of color, or whatever the color theme is for the game, for the ads
If you need any help with advertisements, please message me!
Currently our game is a WIP, but we are attempting to grow our community so we can pick random members to get early access for our game on September 1st.
I’d suggest asking youtubers to play it, releasing other products (such as shirts), putting out a demo (if the game is not public yet), releasing sneakpeak videos, asking users/friends to check it out (also a good way to get critique and advice), and give free promo codes for players to get in-game items.
Advertise on social media (Twitter, Youtube,…) and maybe through Roblox ads. Actively update your community on progress and make a discord for chatting.
I understand having a community is good motivation and helps a lot, but until you have a minimum viable product or at least a fairly functional alpha that people will enjoy, it’s going it be difficult.
It’s hard to get people to talk about and share something that doesn’t exist yet.
Focus on getting the core features in first, and then draw people in with videos, features on other people’s channels, advertisement, etc. Share it in discord servers with other developers and in communities of similar genre games if they have a dedicated space for sharing external creations.
This is something a majorly agree with and have seen myself not realise when I use to make Youtube videos ages back, I focued so much on growing my userbase/viewership that I didn’t spend time polishing my product, I recommend letting growth happen natrauly, and focus on growing your playerbase once you feel done with the product or reach a point were it feels solid.
Roblox Developer Conference 2018 has a video explaining about marketing. You can find the video on the official Roblox YouTube Channel. They have a few people who have succeeded explain their strategy’s what to do and what not to do. They go over advertising, social media, groups, etc…I highly suggest watching through them, good luck