Hello everyone! I am not sure how I should spend money on badges. My game is a racing game. My first idea would be letting people win races to get badges like Tower Defense Simulator does their triumph. However I would like to have more than just that. How should I use badges in my game?
If you have an answer, please feel free to create a reply. Questions? Feel free to ask!
Maybe make a badge that is achieved by a player performing a specific stunt in your game, they get a badge, the stunts could be like drifts, donuts, etc…
Another good one would be if their car stayed in the air for a certain amount of time, like if they find a ramp and their car stays up for long enough, they get a badge.
Those are the two I could come up with, good luck on your game!
Or if they complete a race for the first time, beat a set record like 9 seconds across quarter mile, or to as far as being in the top 10 leaderboard around the world for some race, idk
You could implement badges in variety of different ways, your first idea seems here and there do you mind explaining further on this how will this work? Will players have to intend a bunch of different races, to achieve the same badge over again or is it only one time they can earn a badge. If so, try switching it up; include a badge where you have to win this amount of races all together.
It really depends perhaps include a badge when players buy their first racing vehicle. If your game requires levels include an option where you hit a sorting level; or get a time under 6.2 - 10.5 in a race and more.
You could brainstorm ideas for players to work for sorting badges include easy things that they could achieve and then work your way up. It’s really up to you on ways to implement badges in sorting ways. Viewing existing games is a good way to get general ideas to implement into your game, is the concept and gameplay similar to existing games?