How should I improve my ads?

I have two ads which I think are really nice but for some reason they’re getting bad CTRs (both under 0.4 CTR.) How should I improve my CTR? I tried making it go with trends but it still doesn’t work.

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Hello there,

Well exactly I would not rather the most like that type of advertisements. U get more like “new players”, “young players” etc because it is really childish. I would rather to make something like a professional GFX and add your Game/Group (or whatever) name on it.

Kind regards,

I just want a high CTR though, also the second one is professional

What was your bid on either and the time period they ran? It may be an issue of where/when it’s being seen that affects its CTR.
Your first ad looks like it’s for a roleplay game, it’s not focusing on their clothing as being the direct improvement, nor can I see the clothing very well since it’s white on top of light colors and white lighting
Your second ad’s character isn’t focusing on the clothing much either, we’re just seeing one panel of their outfit, visually obscured by UGC items. Looks again like a roleplay experience’s ad.

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How do you recommend I more include my clothing? Maybe black out the face and non clothing areas?

Thank you very much for this advice. Gonna have a new ad made with an emphasis on the clothing.