How should i make a Jojo Stand system?

Hi developers, my current system is like:
gets the input from local script via remoteevent and finds the move from moves table and fires the move to module and thats it for example the world moveset is like that:

local moves = {
[“TheWorld”] = {
[“StandOn”] = {
[“C”] = “TimeSkip”,
[“Q”] = “Manifest”,
[“E”] = “Barrage”,
[“EE”] = “Barrage”,
[“R”] = “HeavyPunch”,
[“M1”] = “AutoAttacks”,
[“Y”] = “KickBarrage”,
[“G”] = “Donut”,
[“H”] = “TimeStop”,
[“T”] = “6Knife”,
[“F”] = “Block”,
[“FF”] = “Block”,
[“P”] = “Pose”,
[“StandOff”] = {
[“C”] = “TimeSkip”,
[“Q”] = “Manifest”,
[“E”] = “QuickPunch”,
[“R”] = “LowKick”,
[“T”] = “OneKnife”,

i was going to add TimeStop Clashing but in ym timestop script it just stops the time after animation finishes so i was confused and thought the system should be improved. what should i do? should i make a module that handles all the damages,stuns,timestops etc? or should i make a local script and make every move to there and make a serverscript where that script handles damages,transparency,stuns etc?

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This is off of personal opinion but i think having a module script would be a lot better. Module scripts have always been useful to me for handling big (or small) systems that need to be handled by multiple scripts.

should i make a module per system or make a module that handles everything

in your case its personal preference. personally id use a bigger module with smaller modules parented to it, but i dont think it matters which one

you mean like, for example:

Yes. sorry for late responses also.

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