So I am making a building system similar to that of build a boat for treasure, or whatever floats your boat (no this game isnt boat related if you are wondering)
Anyhow for PC you could simply just put the object at the position of the mouse, and make it snap to a grid, so simple.
What about for mobile or console? How can I make this? Any ideas would be nice lol
You could create a build mode, similar to a system in the game “Bloxburg,” where you have a free orbiting camera giving mobile and console players more placement control. Console players wouldn’t be forced to place objects with a fixed mouse position, and mobile players can experience fewer accidental placements. Granted, this means you would have to rework the PC building to fit in with said build mode, but the result is more streamlined.
I’ve played BABFT on mobile and I can assure you that the best bet would be to let the mobile player clicke where they want to place it, rotate it and etc. Then have a confirmation button to place.