How should I make this look better for players with low graphics settings?

So I normally play with my Roblox graphics on 2, only because I can’t run anything really higher and 1 will lower my render distance by a lot.

But I noticed that beams will render oddly when my graphics is low, in this case I have a pool of water where I use beams to simulate the water flooding out of one of the sides. But any player with a graphics setting of 4-5 or lower will see only a part of the beam as half of it will clip through the wall, making it look awkward. Any ideas on how to fix this/make it look better?

How it looks in Studio

How it looks in-game


Not the most ideal but to keep its original look, increase the segment number until it isn’t affected by the graphics quality (and yes this does work cause I use it sometimes on my beams).


That works, thanks

is there any effect on performance with this (i’m gonna be using 35 segments on all 6 of these)


To be quite honest, I don’t know if there is a negative affect doing this. I will make an assumption that there is but I bet it is very minimal (especially if you keep the number lower).


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