How should i monetize my game?

Hi! My name is Bloxlkin, and i’m a newbie developer looking to make awesome games. I’m currently making a Roleplay game.
I have always wanted to be known for making games, i decided that i’d work on a project! I want to achieve a good reputation in the roblox community.

However. When my game is done, i want to add gamepasses to my game but i don’t know what kind of gamepasses i should add.
I want to think about the game & players, so i’m thinking not adding gamepasses that you need for the RP. (Props, Emotes, etc.)

Please tell me if you have any ideas! :smiley:


I’ve personally noticed that pets (even the cheap ones) are always popular with games.
Take adopt me for example. It was originally something like all the “Adopt and Raise a Cute Baby” games.
Not too popular.
But since Adopt Me added pets, no one cared much about the “Adopt Me” part.
Other ideas:
More clothes
More in-game currency etc…
In the end, just do what you want. The developer shouldn’t be dictated by others’ opinions.

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Thank you for the reply! I’ll take notes :smiley:

If you’re not interested in selling game expansions (like extra emotes, etc); I would recommend developer products. A unique example could be allowing players to host a one-time ‘party’ event for the server; where everyone could have extra fun in however you let them.

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