How should I price my animations?

I think general consensus that pricing varies wildly with quality is spot-on.

If I may make a suggestion, an alternative way to present yourself for hire would be shift away from price-ranges and move towards actual examples.

You’d start by putting a minimum price-tag on each type of animation.
Ex: “Combat Animations: Starting at 1k Robux.”
Then you’d provide a few examples of Combat Animations you’ve made and a price-tag on each example.

You’d do this for each category of animations, and you’d end up with a minimum price-floor to ensure that any job you take meets a minimum standard, so not to waste your time and to ensure you get something useful out of the job. And then the example animations with price-tags would allow buyers to visualize what types of animations and what type of quality their money buys.

TL;DR Instead of doing price-ranges, just put a minimum fee on each category of animations and then post examples of animations you’ve done for each category along with a price-tag for each example. Buyers can visualize how much it would cost to hire you for whatever they have in mind this way when they can see the quality and style their money would be paying for.

This system might make it easier for you to communicate to customers.

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I think in the end you, as the artist, should determine what price you want to sell your services at. If an animation is worth an amount of robux to you or an amount of currency to you, price it at that. Obviously not outrageous prices but sticking to a “general” price would not be rational as quality varies from person to person.

The pricing depends really on the quality of your work & type of animations. :thinking: and it could’ve been better if you posted some examples of your animations, so we could help you with the pricing.

These prices actually seem rather high for animations. I would consider going lower but if you won’t budge you may not see as many users coming to you like you thought. I know many developers want to work with more “professional” developers and that is why they price higher but in reality it decreases your chances of becoming known. Most people who have a claim to fame usually stuck with lower prices until they become more noticed.

The reason I suggest lowering your price is because I can go on blender and learn how to animate right now and get free animations myself and not to mention the thousands of other animators who list theirs significantly lower. I could also go to a site called Mixamo and get free motion capture animations which were recorded directly from Adobe and other users who with professional backgrounds.

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