How should I use raycast hitbox for my fist combat?

So the question is already in the title and I have two ideas in my how I could do it but I don’t know wich one I should do or if there is even a better way

  1. Create a part with the hitboxes and then weld it to the player.

  2. When the player spawns just create new hitboxes at his hands.

Thats already my question.
Have a nice day.


There are a lot of options but in general the Touched event is not super reliable for this purpose. Take a look at: GetPartBoundsInBox
Remember to use the FilterDescendantsInstances option.


Thanks, I will have a look at it!

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I’d suggest considering the WorldRoot:Blockcast method too.

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A newer feature that may be more suitable depending on your expectations.

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