How should my combat system work?


I’ve been working on a game suited for R15. This game will be a combat game- well, because, theres a lot of characters I haven’t really been seeing in other games so I wanted to make my own.

Although, currently, I am quite stumped.

What should my combat be/feel like?

More specifically, which one of these should it be?

  • Average BG games (Ragdoll-focused combat, average, ‘evasive’ n stuff.)
  • The minority of BG games (VELOCITY-focused combat, no ‘evasive’.)

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And, for a feel-

  • Mediocre-paced (Average BG game, but maybe a few extra things such as wall-jumps.)
  • Mediocre-paced (Average BG game, theres sprinting but walking.)
  • Smooth-paced (Two of the above choices combined, but with basically no screen shake, high optimization, fast yet weak moves.)

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Thanks for reading.

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