How the hell do I disable the Music tab?

The Music tab is annoying the hell out of me.
I want to hide all of the audios I use for my games, because… seriously? I just want to make a game without this. It just upsets me being able to have people steal the audios in my game without taking time and effort to do so.

Is there an option to disable this?

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I have never seen that tab in my life. Sorry!


Screenshot 2025-03-01 174833

I have never seen this tab actually.
Please do consider that if you’re using public/free to use audio, it actually does not belong to you.

This tab likely exists because you’re using music from other artists and that tab helps people find and discover them.
It’s not stealing, it’s giving credit to who actually made the music that anyone is allowed to use.

Therefor, I don’t think there is a way to disable it.

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I can’t verify it myself, but try setting the music volume to 0 — this might disable the Music tab.

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