How to access a datastore through a discord bot

I am working for a game, and I would like to be able to use discord bots to modify, view, and reset a users data in the datastore. I know this is possible using the npm package made for this, but I would like to make my own way of doing it. I have tried to, dare I say, decypher the code but it is very difficult. Is there anyways I can use the roblox api to do this easily?

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currently, there’s no way of doing this so your best bet is an external API + database. roblox is slowly pushing new features to the open cloud though which would eventually allow you to access the data store through some API.

Theoretically, there is a way.


  • Roblox game server constantly running

In the game, have a serverscript that is constantly querying an API for “tasks” it needs to do (like edit the database and sending results to a dumping-ground route on the webserver). When the bot needs an action to be performed, just add a task to the API route that the game is constantly querying and await the result.

Isnt there a roblox api called gamepersistance or smth