How to access this array data

I have an array and, but when I try to access the array data, it just doesnt appear.
For example:

local Pets = {
{“Shadow”, 1.5, 1.2, 1000, 19283},
{“Unicorn”, 2, 1.5, 5000, 19283},
{“Pegasus”, 3, 2.5, 15000, 19283}

This is my array but when I do, Name.Text = Pets[1][1] it comes up with 1.5 instead of the name “Shadow” How do I get it to do the name instead of the 1.5.


Can you show the script you are using and not the example, because the example you showed works fine for me.

(Also this post should be in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support )

Apologies for the wrong section, my bad.

local menu = script.Parent
local info = script.Parent.Parent.Petinfo
local button1 = script.Parent.Button1
local button2 = script.Parent.Button2
local button3 = script.Parent.Button3

-- Arrays
local Pets = {
	{"Shadow", 1.5, 1.2, 1000, 19283},
	{"Unicorn", 2, 1.5, 5000, 19283},
	{"Pegasus", 3, 2.5, 15000, 19283}

local function onClick()
	if button1.ID.Value == 1 then
		info.Info.petname.Text = Pets[1][0]
		info.Info.Coin.coinmulti.Text = Pets[1][1]
		info.Info.Gem.gemmulti.Text = Pets[1][2]
		info.Info.Cost.price.Text = Pets[1][3]
		info.Info.ImageLabel.Image = Pets[1][4]
	elseif button1.ID.Value == 2 then
		info.Info.coinmulti.Text = Pets[2][1]
		info.Info.gemmulti.Text = Pets[2][2]
		info.Info.price.Text = Pets[2][3]
		info.Info.Image = Pets[2][4]
	elseif button1.ID.Value == 3 then
		info.Info.Coin.coinmulti.Text = Pets[3][1]
		info.Info.Gem.gemmulti.Text = Pets[3][2]
		info.Info.Cost.price.Text = Pets[3][3]
		info.Info.ImageLabel.Label = Pets[3][4]	

It seems like you are used to another language where the index of the first value in an array is 0.

--          1   2   3
local t = {"e", 6, true}

print(t[1]) -- "e"
print(t[0]) -- nil

This means that your onClick function should look something like this:

local function onClick()
	if button1.ID.Value == 1 then
		info.Info.petname.Text = Pets[1][1]
		info.Info.Coin.coinmulti.Text = Pets[1][2]
		info.Info.Gem.gemmulti.Text = Pets[1][3]
		info.Info.Cost.price.Text = Pets[1][4]
		info.Info.ImageLabel.Image = Pets[1][5]
	elseif button1.ID.Value == 2 then
		info.Info.coinmulti.Text = Pets[2][2]
		info.Info.gemmulti.Text = Pets[2][3]
		info.Info.price.Text = Pets[2][4]
		info.Info.Image = Pets[2][5]
	elseif button1.ID.Value == 3 then
		info.Info.Coin.coinmulti.Text = Pets[3][2]
		info.Info.Gem.gemmulti.Text = Pets[3][3]
		info.Info.Cost.price.Text = Pets[3][4]
		info.Info.ImageLabel.Label = Pets[3][5]	
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Thank you so much! This worked

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is there a reason why you’re using an array of pets over a dictionary?

local Pets = {
  ["shadow"] = {
    ["name"] = "Shadow",
    ["coin_multiplier"] = 1.5, 
    ["gem_multiplier"] = 1.2, 
    ["price"] = 1000, 
    ["unknown"] = 19283, -- Not sure what this is since it's not an image
    ["image"] = "rbxassetid://0"
  ["unicorn"] = {
    ["name"] = "Unicorn",
    ["coin_multiplier"] = 2, 
    ["gem_multiplier"] = 1.2, 
    ["price"] = 5000, 
    ["unknown"] = 19283, 
    ["image"] = "rbxassetid://0"
  ["pegasus"] = {
    ["name"] = "Pegasus",
    ["coin_multiplier"] = 3, 
    ["gem_multiplier"] = 2.5, 
    ["price"] = 15000, 
    ["unknown"] = 19283, 
    ["image"] = "rbxassetid://0"

-- ^ Pets could be a ModuleScript instead
-- local Pets = require(ReplicatedStorage.Pets)

local function onClick()
  local TargetPet = Pets[Button1.ID.Value:lower()] -- Should be a StringValue instead
  info.Info.petname.Text =
  info.Info.Coin.coinmulti.Text = TargetPet.coin_multiplier
  info.Info.Gem.gemmulti.Text = TargetPet.gem_multiplier
  info.Info.Cost.price.Text = TargetPet.price
  info.Info.ImageLabel.Image = TargetPet.image-- I'm assuming you removed the images from Pets

  -- info.Info is a bad way to name things
  -- you could use a for loop if you named your stuff properly 
  for _, PetProperty in info.Info:GetChildren() do 
    if not PetProperty:GetAttribute("IsPetProperty") then continue end
    PetProperty.Text = TargetPet[PetProperty.Name] 

You can optimize your code to look more clean like this. (This is just an example, it may not work in your case)

local function onClick()
	local id = button1.ID.Value

	info.Info.petname.Text = Pets[id][1]
	info.Info.Coin.coinmulti.Text = Pets[id][2]
	info.Info.Gem.gemmulti.Text = Pets[id][3]
	info.Info.Cost.price.Text = Pets[id][4]
	info.Info.ImageLabel.Image = Pets[id][5]

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