How to achieve an "x-ray" effect?


I’d like to achieve an “x-ray” effect like shown on this dev forum post Object "X-Ray/Highlighting" System - #26 by gamezcool989
However, it seems to be outdated. Is anybody aware of any other x-ray system I could use?
I have tried experimenting with Surface GUI’s. Unfortunately they do not support mesh parts, therefore they’re not an option.

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One way is by duplicating and placing objects in a ViewportFrame, each frame would be updated by cleaning the previous ones before placing the new objects and the camera must be that of the same player, although surely there would be a more optimized way.

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Are you sure it’s outdated? I tested out the module and it worked perfectly fine for me.

Maybe you weren’t using it right. Can you show me the code you used to implement it?

Here is a clip of me using it:

I used the example on the devforum post

I’d just use a Viewport like SOTR, it will overlay other parts (lag if too many parts are being cloned so like 1-5 characters)