How to achieve Client-created physics predictability?

Currently doing a client-sided ragdoll, all is swell, except the position being different on every client. (Not by a lot, mind you, although sometimes it is.) Now this is to be expected, obviously, but I was wondering, could there be a way to at least achieve a smaller margin of difference? Sadly this difference could be game-breaking for me. I already initiate the same position across all clients, as well as the same velocity.

maybe try to move the bodies at the end using a server ragdoll, just at the end, or maybe dont really on roblox physics and make your own function, that always returns the same on all clients

the bodies don’t exist on the server, also im not sure how id code custom physics which return same on all clients. what was possible to sync across clients, i did.

did you find a solution? I have a similar problem!