How to achieve this cyclone effect?

  1. What do you want to achieve? an effect similar to the one in the video below

  2. What is the issue? I’ve been messsing with particles for a while and i cant figure out the setting for it.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried putting it on a cylinder and spinning but it doesnt get the same effect as the video which is what im striving for. The video is NOT mine nor am I claiming that it is, just to make that clear.

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It seems like it uses multiple fire effects that are rotated in a circle shape. The ‘heat’ value can be changed to increase/decrease the height of the flame.


You need this Plugin.

Not really the one on the video, but it’s the closest I can go.
Here is the final product:

Insert a Part; set the Z orientation to 90° and make the size ratio 3x:1z; open the plugin; then find the right direction (it was Y for me); then set the angle to 10° and click on “Render All”.

It should look like this (scale it down if it’s too big)

Model those parts and duplicate them; move the model slightly higher than the bottom set; then select every part and set the Z orientation to 45°. After that, put both of them in a Folder.

It should look like this. (make sure you named the models accordingly)

Insert another part and enclose the bottom model inside; let’s call this part “MainPart”.

Now we need to weld all those parts to the MainPart; since there are already a lot of them, Insert a script to the Workspace and type this:

for _, FireEmittingParts in pairs(game.Workspace.Folder:GetDescendants()) do
	if FireEmittingParts:IsA("Part") then
		local WeldInstance ="WeldConstraint")
		WeldInstance.Parent = FireEmittingParts
		WeldInstance.Part0 = FireEmittingParts
		WeldInstance.Part1 = game.Workspace.MainPart

Run the game and copy the things you just made; when finished, stop the game, then paste it to your Workspace.

It should look like this. (press Alt + W to see the welds)

Now let’s add the fire; insert another script and use this code:

for _,FireEmittingParts in pairs(game.Workspace.Folder.Top:GetDescendants()) do
	if FireEmittingParts:IsA("Part") then
		local FireInstance ="Fire")
		FireInstance.Parent = FireEmittingParts
		FireInstance.Color = Color3.fromRGB(90, 55, 0) -- Main colour
		FireInstance.SecondaryColor = Color3.fromRGB(42, 0, 0) -- Particles
		FireInstance.Heat = 7 -- height/length of the fire
		FireInstance.Size = 4 -- size of the fire
		FireInstance.TimeScale = 5 -- animation speed

for _,FireEmittingParts in pairs(game.Workspace.Folder.Bottom:GetDescendants()) do
	if FireEmittingParts:IsA("Part") then
		local FireInstance ="Fire")
		FireInstance.Parent = FireEmittingParts
		FireInstance.Color = Color3.fromRGB(57, 26, 26) -- Main colour
		FireInstance.SecondaryColor = Color3.fromRGB(42, 0, 0) -- Particles
		FireInstance.Heat = 5 -- height/length of the fire
		FireInstance.Size = 7.5 -- size of the fire
		FireInstance.TimeScale = 5 -- animation speed

Run the game and copy the Model; it should look like this.

Use a Particle Emitter for the Ash, and the Lighting is up to you.


i assume that you might attach it to a character so that’s what the welds are for; sorry if you hardly understand this… i was writing this post at 12am

sorry i just saw this but this is great, thank you so much!

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