How to achieve this?

I was wondering what steps/methods and the foundations could I do to achieve this process?

Be more precise on what you want. It is hard for us to understand your goal.

Basically like

  • Having this GUI pops up for everyone in the team when the all enemies are killed.
  • Waiting for all players to select one.
  • And only the gift that the player selects affects/impact them only.

Ah, I see.
A basic concept is to:

  • Have a GUI set.
  • Have a server script which checks when all enemies are killed.
  • Use the server script and a remote event to fire it to all clients to initiate a gift.
  • When a player selects something, have another remote event send their request to the server. And also close the gui.
  • Have the server set a value in the player that they have this power up active.
  • Program the power up.

Ah, I understand it now. Okay, thanks so much!

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No worries! Let me know if you need a more in-depth explanation on how everything could work! I will be more than happy to help!


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