How would I activate a click detector WITHOUT actually activating it? I’m trying to use a keycode to activate a lightswitch.
Can you elaborate on what you’re trying to do? I didn’t really understand it.
Explain, I don’t understand what you want to achieve.
can you elaborate on what you want to achieve, I assume you are trying to do something like this?
local function doSomething()
if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then
To make a click detector without using a click detector do the following:
Add a HitBox around the light switch, and do the following in a local script inside StarterGui:
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
local target = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Target
if target.Name == "MouseHitBox" then -- Change to hitbox name
-- Do your thing, if it's server-sided use remote function / events
In that case, you do not want to use a click detector, but rather, a proximity prompt.
Here is an example of using a proximity prompt:
I do think that in your case you should use a proximity prompt. However if you really need to activate the click detector, try adding a BindableEvent
called “Click” (or something else) inside of the detector, and then bind the same function to both the click event and the Bindable Event.
Here’s an example:
-- Assuming this script is placed directly inside the ClickDetector
function onClick()
-- Your code here
Now whenever you want to trigger the detector, you can just fire it’s Click BindableEvent. The ClickDetector will still work normally.
Sorry for the bad explanation, but I want to activate a click detector with a keypress while using a click detector, since I’ve already added clickdetectors, but I want an easier way to do it with the scripts I have.
Hey. You sadly can’t remotely fire a clickdetector, but I think david’s answer does what you want it to do.
If I’m reading this correctly, you can use a ProximityPrompt and use the Triggered event to run the script. You can set the button in the ProximityPrompt to whatever key you’d like, and it even supports mobile and console devices.